Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The weekend was great. We drove down to Nevada on Friday, jumped on Saturday and Sunday, and drove back all day Monday. Getting away from Idaho's wintry weather to enjoy some sunshine and 60-degree temperatures was very much worth the money and the drive.

Jump #35

I couldn't believe how nervous I was to be jumping out of a new plane and over a new dropzone. After hours of watching some rather messy landings (including landings out in the nearby golf course) in the 16+mph winds, I finally got up the courage to manifest myself for a load. Pat and I each did solos. She came along to keep me company (and to push me out the door in case I got too nervous and froze up... haha). I managed to hit the door frame with the back of my right leg as I hopped out into the air, and then tumbled away from the caravan. Freefall from 13,000ft was nice. Even though I pulled high, the extra altitude left me with nearly a minute of freefall. I didn't do much on the first jump--just looked around the area, trying to get a feel for the dropzone and my potential outs.

Jump #36

Later in the afternoon Pat and I did a 2-way... or we tried to, anyway. I dove out after her, got down to the same level, but then started backsliding away. We didn't get back together, and ended up just falling level from a distance.

Jump #37

Sunday morning, Pat and I were on the first load for another 2-way. We went out together, stabilized after a couple tumbles, but as soon as Pat started to turn to do a side-body I backslid away again. I need to pay more attention to where my legs are to stop doing that. The morning winds were virtually nonexistent, and I overshot the gravel landing area by probably 50ft. Thankfully, I flared at the right height, landed on my feet, and easily ran off the leftover speed. I ended up on the asphalt between a couple airplanes and one of the hangars. As my canopy collapsed and fell to the ground, it got caught up on the roof of the hangar, but came down without any trouble so no harm done.

Jump #38

The plan was to do a 3-way with Kelly and Pat. Kelly and I went out together, but I let go of his gripper as I started to tumble. After I stabilized he came back over to me, and we just fell together while Pat worked to get over to us to dock. She didn't quite make it to us, so the jump ended up being another 2-way. To avoid dealing with other canopy traffic, I landed on the strip of gravel between the taxiway and the runway. The wind was really strong (gusting around 20mph), and it almost pulled me over. As I pulled my steering line in, I ran across the gravel and through a small drainage ditch before finally getting the canopy collapsed. I really thought I was going to face plant as I ran across that ditch.

My landings on the four jumps from the weekend were a lot better than those I've had in Star recently. I was comfortably on my feet on all of them. Part of that had to do with the fact that there was some wind for me to land against in Mesquite. Also, I'm getting back in the habit of looking out in front of me instead of down as I'm landing. I'm not sure when the change took place, but somewhere between the nice landings I had during my student training and the rough rolling ones I've had recently, I started looking straight down, which makes it a lot harder to gauge my height above the ground. Hopefully this weekend wasn't a fluke and my landings will continue to improve instead of getting worse again.


Kate said...

So, I'm not allowed to be nervous, but you are? No fair. :-P

Sara said...

Exactly. Don't you love double standards? I know I do.