Friday, September 26, 2008

Great News!

Today was a good day. My mom got hired for a full-time nursing position this morning. It pays enough to cover all of her expenses and then some, provides full health coverage as well as a 401k. Also, I found out that I'm getting a raise (and after only a month on the job). I'm going to be taking on a bit more responsibility, helping the managers with a task that has previously been reserved just for them. I'm not sure how much the raise will be, but every little bit helps. This means that a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders. Barring some sort of catastrophe, the financial situation seems to have worked itself out. Phew!

So now my money earned can be dedicated to skydiving and fun in general. It's amazing how happy that thought makes me.

1 comment:

Jakob said...

Congrats, glad everything worked out:)