Friday, October 24, 2008

The A License

Today was supposed to be spent taking the GRE for my grad school applications, but a flat tire on the way to the testing center changed my plans. I missed the test (there's $120 down the toilet) and, after getting the flat fixed, opted to spend the rest of the day at the DZ.

Abbie Mashaal, owner of Snake River Skydiving in Twin Falls, is in town this weekend for a pilot certification course (or something like that) and came by around 3:00.

Jump #24

After sitting around waiting for other jumpers to arrive (though no one else ever showed up), Abbie, Kevin, Brad, and I went up for a 4-way jump. I docked with Kevin, then Abbie and Brad joined us. We all released and did a left-360, and then tried to get back together but ran out of altitude. I, of course, fell below everyone else. I flared a little early (I think...), and although the touch-down was a little rough, I stood it up without a problem. As soon as I got back into the packing area, everyone was sure to point out that this was my FIRST 4-way, so now I owe another case of beer.

Jump #25 (woot!)

Abbie went up with me for my A license check dive. I spotted the load, watched Brad hang from the wing by his feet on his exit, then climbed out with Abbie right behind me. As dictated by the SIM, the dive plan included a right-360, left-360, back loop, and then docking. Abbie started to come in for a kiss pass, but then realized I'd said Kevin had already done that FIRST. Instead he went vertical, pulling me (head-down) along for the ride. I screamed a little out of surprise with that one. My flare and landing went well--not such an impact on my legs as last time.

So I'm done with everything for my A-license (guess what? yep... that's yet another case of beer), except a bit of on-ground emergency review. Tomorrow night I'm going out to the DZ after work for the Halloween party. Kevin and I are going to attempt to find some time to get the review done during the midst of the party, so by Sunday my application will be off to USPA and I'll be able to start jumping with everyone else. In the 7 weeks (plus 1 day) since I started jumping in Idaho, I've jumped 21 times. My non-skydiving friends say I'm obsessed, but an average of three jumps per week doesn't seem like so much to me. I just wish winter, along with a big decrease in jumping opportunity, wasn't so close.


Kate said...

Obsessed? Nahhh..Not AT ALL...

Jakob said...

Hey, I see you're joining the putting-off-grad-school club. (Which really means the probably-never-going-to-grad-school club.) Welcome!

Sometimes the feeling of not knowing what to do with my life is almost as scary as jumping out of a plane.