Thursday, October 16, 2008

Docking, Part 2

Jump #22

Tonight I did a coach jump with Bill for another dive and dock. I waited in the door a little longer after he let go of the strut so I would actually have to dive. I didn't dive for very long, though, before I fell below him. I need to lose some weight--I fall like a rock and will definitely have problems jumping with people who can't arch enough to keep up with me. I made an effort to slow myself down by flattening out, and Bill sped up as well. In any case, I got back up to him and briefly docked just before 5,000ft, then turned and tracked before deploying. I'm a little bummed because I don't know how much of the fall rate adjustment was due to my actions and how much was Bill helping out.

That A license is definitely within reach. I'm looking forward to being able to jump with other people without having to pay extra for a coach to come with me. If I make it out to the DZ and the weather is nice, finishing up the last few requirements this weekend is a good possibility.

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